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Sparrow - Reception

Hi, I am Mrs Chick.

I teach Sparrow class (4 days) and also lead Computing across the school. I have lots of experience teaching in Reception. I love working in the Early Years Foundation Stage and being part of children’s journey starting school.  

One of my favourite things is reading, and my favourite book series is Harry Potter. I love to share my love for reading and help children as they learn to read. Another thing that I love is my cute little pet rabbit! 


Hi, I’m Mrs Nottage and I teach in Sparrow class (1 day - Thursday).  

I love teaching at St John’s and helping children settle into school life. I enjoy helping children with arts and crafts; having lots of fun together, painting, stickiness and glitter! 

I’m married and have 3 wonderful children. I love baking, tennis, Pilates and walking in the countryside or by the sea. 


Other staff working in our class are: 

Ms Royden - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dibs - Teaching Assistant


Our weekly timetable: 

Important dates for the diary this term for Sparrow Class:

PE - Thursdays (wear PE kit all day Thursdays)

Forest School - Fridays (starting Friday 17th January - wear Forest School clothes all day Friday)

Forest School clothes: Appropriate clothing for the weather (warm layers, hat, gloves, scarf), wellies, coat - we will provide waterproof overalls for children to wear under their own coats


Our learning this term: Our topic this term is ‘Amazing Animals’ where we will be learning about pets, polar animals, sea creatures, animals from the African Savannah and dinosaurs.

We will also be learning about dreams and goals - persevering, never giving up, setting a goal, encouraging people and feeling proud.


Linking to our 'Amazing Animals' topic, our focus books this term are: The Great Pet Sale, One Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Antarctic, The Emperor’s Egg, One Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Ocean, One Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Savannah, Mad about Dinosaurs, Harry and the Dinosaurs 

The Great Pet Sale: Mick Inkpen: 9780340918173: BooksThe Emperor's Egg - A Book And A HugOne Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Ocean (Hardcover) - ...One day on our blue planet ... in the Savannah by Bailey, Ella ...Mad About Dinosaurs! by Giles Andreae - Books - Hachette AustraliaHarry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow, Adrian Reynolds ...

In Literacy, we will be:

  • Blending sounds into words, reading short words with known letter sound correspondences 

  • Recognising ‘special friends’ and say the sounds for these (digraphs, trigraphs) 

  • Reading some ‘red words’ (common exception words) 

  • Recognising some capital letters 

  • Knowing how to form some lower-case letters correctly and do this in our writing 

  • Having a go at spelling words by saying the sounds can hear and writing them 

  • Recalling stories that we have heard or read, including key details and sequencing 

  • Knowing that we can find out information from books, computers or iPads


We are learning to read and write sounds in this order:


We will learn to:

  • Know the days of the week and can say these in order 

  • Show fast recognition of up to 8 objects without having to count them (subitising) 

  • Automatically recall number bonds for numbers 1-5

  • Count beyond 10 

  • Combine (add) two groups and say how many there are altogether 

  • Make pairs using odd and even numbers 

  • Measure and compare mass, capacity, heights and lengths 


Learning at home for Sparrow Class:


We will be sending home two reading items for you to look at with your child:

1. Story books from our library that you can enjoy reading together with your child

2. Ditty sheets OR a Read Write Inc book for your child to practise reading sounds they are familiar with, simple words/ phrases and 'red words'

Please try to spend some time each day listening to your child read as it really does have a positive impact on their progress.  Remember to sign your child’s reading record when they have read to you.


Be ready for learning! In Sparrow Class your child will need to have these items in school: 

Everything you send in to school MUST be labelled clearly with your child’s name. Lost property will be available for parents to access daily on the school premises should anything go missing. 

  • Book bag (provided by school) 

  • Forest School clothes (to be worn on Fridays): Appropriate clothing for the weather (warm layers, hat, gloves, scarf), wellies, coat - we will provide waterproof overalls for children to wear under their own coats

  • PE kit (to be worn on PE day - Thursdays)

  •  Water bottle (no squash or juice) 
  • Lunchbox (if not having school meal) 

  • Wellington boots (to leave in school) 

  • Coat 

  • Bag of spare clothes to leave on your child's peg

Please don’t bring other items or toys into school, as we do not have space to store these, and it can cause upset if things are lost or damaged. 


Some highlights of our learning in Term 2:


Please check Tapestry throughout the term for updated highlights of your child's learning!