Starling - Year 2
Hello, I am Miss Cooper and I teach Year 2 Starling class.
This is my third year at St Johns and I love it! I feel very grateful to be part of an amazing team, teaching amazing children.
This year I am looking forward to teaching Art and I cannot wait to see the beautiful creations the children make, especially during our Africa topic. I lead PSHE and RSE across the school which is something I feel very passionate about.
Outside of school, I like to create my own Art, listen to music and spend time with my family and friends.
Other staff who work in our class: Miss Alcock (TA) and Mrs Bradshaw (Additional Teacher).
Our weekly timetable:
Important dates this term:
We have PE on a Wednesday!
Christmas Jumper Day: Wed 18th December
Nativity performance: 9:30am Thursday 19th December
Our learning this term: Our topic this term is Great Explorers. Year 2 will be learning about famous explorers, where they have travelled and how their discoveries have impacted our lives today.
In English, we will be focusing on sentence structure and building a strong foundation of writing skills. We will remember to think and say the sentence before we start to write and use a capital letter and full stop. We will be building on the children’s independent skills to write sentences and use their phonics to spell new words.
This term in maths we will be continuing with our learning about addition and subtraction and introducing shape. We will be developing our skills using addition and subtraction to add/subtract two-digit numbers, using dienes blocks and counters. We will be identifying different 2D and 3D shapes and seeing if we can identify their properties, including lines of symmetry.
In RE this term the children will be learning about Islam. They will be finding out important stories from the Quran, how Muslims pray and special celebrations. They will be answering the question ‘Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?’.
Learning at home:
Please try to spend a few minutes each day listening to your child read as it really does have a positive impact on their progress. Remember to sign your child’s reading record book when they have read.
Reading records should be returned to school each day and children will have the opportunity to change books on Monday and Thursday. Your child will take home 2 books each day – a reading banded book, and a phonics book, unless their are on AR books in which case they will only have one.
Please remember to reread a book that you have taken home, it really helps to become a fluent reader.
Please complete the spellings each week on Spelling shed and play times table rock stars (log ins are at the front of the reading record).
Be ready for learning:
Please label ALL items of clothing and shoes clearly with your child’s name. This helps even our younger children to take responsibility for and look after their uniform.
Book bag (no rucksacks please)
PE kit (to be worn on PE day)
Water bottle (no squash or juice)
Lunchbox (if not having school meal)
Wellington boots (to leave in school)
Coat (weather appropriate)
Please do not bring items that are not listed for your child’s year group, as we do not have space to store additional items. It can also cause upset if items are lost or damaged. This includes pencil cases, toys, fidgits/ ear defenders (unless agreed in advance with Miss Minnett or Mrs Chevalier)
Highlights from Term 1:
Building habitats with our parents and carers in science.
Identifying micro-habitats and finding different creatures in them.
Ordering the creation story and retelling it in groups.
Improving our drawing skills by recreating illustrations by Oliver Jeffers.